A day workshop at Buddhist Centres across England

Connect with more people, more deeply.

Sangharakshita has famously said that he believes that we can be friends with anyone. This is a bold ideal, and one that most of us struggle to come anywhere near.

In this fun and challenging day we will see how the symbolism of the mandala, the magical rites of the Tantra and Jungian archetypes can offer us new insights into communication and connection, and support us to be a better spiritual friend to more people.

• To connect more deeply with your friends, and help you to make friends with a wider range of people
• To explore your habits and assumptions about communication
• To make your interactions with your friends more conscious, so as to increase your choices, and expand your range of responses

A day workshop that will include:

  • Mining our collective knowledge of the Mandala of the Five Buddhas, myths, fairy tales, books, movies and real life to explore the archetypes of the King/Queen, Warrior, Magician/Wise Woman and Lover.
  • An exploration of the Tantric rites of Attraction, Prospering, Pacification and Destruction and their correlations
  • Music, embodiment exercises, and plenty of opportunities to experiment with communicating in a range of different styles
  • Mantra chanting and meditation

when and where?

Probably 10.00am to 4.00pm, but check with Centre to confirm precise times.

how do I book?
Call me for more information or contact the Buddhist Centre concerned

what do people say about it?
“This was a great day, that Jnanagarbha led with consummate skill. I was touched by his openness in the expression of his core values and his trials in living by them. The day had the perfect mix of instruction, participation, playfulness and challenge. I think all participants will have been surprised to have expanded their communicative range to a greater degree than they perhaps realised was happening in such a fun and engaging day. I would recommend this event to other Buddhist centres, and look forward to welcoming Jnanagarbha back to Croydon for more. Sadhu!”
Dhammavijaya, Chair, Croydon Buddhist Centre

why aren’t you coming to my local Centre?
I’d be delighted to! Talk to your Centre team or give me a call.